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Labor Law

Proposed amendments The aim is to introduce a legal clause penalizing sexual harassment in the work place. Current situation NCLW called upon the Ministry of Labor on 14/9/2012 to introduce an article that penalizes sexual harassment in the workplace. Future steps Pending follow-up w

Labor Law Art. 7 | Exceptions from inclusion under Labor Law

Proposed amendments The aim is to cancel the exception made for domestic workers and agricultural workers from benefitting from the Labor Law provisions. Current situation On 14/9/2012, NCLW called upon the ministry of Labor to amend article 7 of Labor Law so that both categories of workers

Labor Law | Articles 28-29

Proposed amendments The aim was to extend the maternity leave period for women working in the private sector to ten weeks, including access to full salary rights. Current situation The draft law was prepared by NCLW and submitted to the parliament on 26/7/2011. On 15/4/2014, the Parliament

Social security Law (SSL) | Article 47 paragraph 1-a

Proposed amendments The aim is to establish equality between the mother and the father covered by the SSL in the right to receive family allowances for their children. Current situation The draft law was presented by NCLW to the Parliament by MP Gilberte Zouein on 17/4/2007. The draft bill

Social security Law (SSL) | Article 46, paragraph 2

Proposed amendments The aim is to establish equality between the husband and the wife regarding benefitting from a family compensation plan, should their spouse be unemployed. Currently, employed husbands benefit from a family compensation plan if their wives are unemployed unlike wives who do

Social security Law (SSL) | Article 26

Proposed amendments The aim is to increase maternity benefits by acknowledging the right of working women to full salary rights during the 10- week maternity leave period. Current situation The draft law was presented to Parliament on 17/4/2007 by MP Gilberte Zouein. The Administration and

Social security Law (SSL) | Article 16, paragraph 2

Proposed amendments The aim is to cancel the 10-months waiting period for employed women who join the Social Security Fund and who wish to benefit from maternity leave benefits. Current situation The draft law was presented by NCLW through MP Gilberte Zouein to the Parliament on 17/4/2007.

Social security Law (SSL) | Article 14, paragraph C

Proposed amendments The aim is to establish equality for employed female spouses that are covered by the SSL by granting them the right to unconditionally grant this SSL coverage to their unemployed male spouses. Employed female spouses cannot grant this SSL coverage to their male spouses unle

National Defense law | Paragraph 8 of Article 94

Proposed amendments The spouse of a volunteer (regardless if he is a man or a woman) in the Lebanese Armed Forces in the event of a second marriage after the death of the first spouse, should benefit from the pension. Current situation The Parliament approved this amendment in 2012 (Offici

Inheritance Law | Article 9

Proposed amendments The aim is to establish equality between male and female heirs to allow both of them to benefit from an exemption from duties on transfer of all rights and movable and immovable assets for her spouse and each of her minor children. Current situation This article was amen