Proposed amendments

The aim is to establish equality between the mother and the father covered by the SSL in the right to receive family allowances for their children.

Current situation

The draft law was presented by NCLW to the Parliament by MP Gilberte Zouein on 17/4/2007.
The draft bill was then transferred to the Administration and justice committee, Finance and budget committee and Public health committee.
NCLW requested that the allowances be granted as follows:
a- To the father or the mother who declares taking responsibility for the children, provided that the spouse waives his/her right to family allowances from any other source.
b- To the mother if the children are under her responsibility.
c- To the adoptive parents or the guardians if they are like the father and the mother meeting the required conditions. Family allowances are granted up to five children only for every employee”.
The Administration and Justice committee approved the required amendments.
On 14/5/2012, the Board of Directors of the Social Security Fund approved the recommendations of NCLW to amend articles 14, 46 and 47 of the SSL.

Future steps

Pending follow-up at the Parliament.


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