Proposed amendments

The aim is to increase maternity benefits by acknowledging the right of working women to full salary rights during the 10- week maternity leave period.

Current situation

The draft law was presented to Parliament on 17/4/2007 by MP Gilberte Zouein.
The Administration and Justice committee amended article 26 to read as follows: “Each employed female has the right to maternity benefits that are equal to full salary for the whole 10-week period during which delivery takes place provided that she stops work and refrain from receiving any wage during that period”.
The draft law is followed-up for discussion and adoption in the General Assembly of the Parliament so that the amendment is in line with amended articles 28 and 29 of the labor law (law n˚267- official gazette volume 17 dated 22/4/2014), knowing that this article of SSL is not implemented to the present date.

Future steps

Pending follow-up at the Parliament.


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