Proposed amendments

The aim is to establish equality between the husband and the wife regarding benefitting from a family compensation plan, should their spouse be unemployed.

Currently, employed husbands benefit from a family compensation plan if their wives are unemployed unlike wives who do not have this right.

Current situation

The draft law was presented by NCLW to the Parliament by MP Gilberte Zouein on 17/4/2007.
The draft law was transferred to the following committees: Finance and budget committee, Administration and justice committee, and public health committee.
The Administration and Justice committee approved the amendment of the draft law in such a way as “family compensation is granted for the spouse provided that he/she does not engage in a waged job”.
On 14/5/2012, the Board of Directors of the Social Security Fund approved the recommendations of NCLW to amend articles 14, 46 and 47 of the SSL.

Future steps

Pending follow-up at the Parliament.


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