
Art. 503: Sanctioning the person who forces a non-spouse by violence and force to have intercourse to hard labor for five years at least.
Sanctioning a person who has intercourse with a non-spouse who is unable to resist either due to physical or mental incapacity or due to the fraudulous means used against him/her to hard labor for limited period.
Sanctioning whoever has sexual intercourse with a minor below 15 years of age to hard labor; the sanction is for five years at least if the minor is below 12 years of age. Whoever has intercourse with a minor who is more than 15 years of age but less than 18 is sanctioned to imprisonment from two months to two years.
Art 506: The sanction becomes more severe if the person who had sexual intercourse with the minor is someone who has a legal or an effective authority on him.
Art 513: Sanctioning the employee who seduces the wife of a prisoner or detainee or any other person under his control and authority.

Art. 503:
Amendment of the law to ensure equality between the man and the woman in case of forced intercourse.

Art. 504:
Amendment of the law to sanction the spouse and non-spouse in case of forced intercourse.

Art. 505:
Amendment of the law to increase the age of the minor to 18 years and making the sanction on the perpetrator more severe.

Art. 506:
Amendment of the law to make the sanction against the perpetrator more severe.

Art. 513:
Amendment of the law to ensure equality between the female and male employees who seduce the wife or husband of a prisoner or detainee or any other person under his/her control and authority.


All these articles are still under revision in the Parliamentary Committees


Pending follow-up at the Parliament.


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